Amalgamated Kirkland


The Amalgamated Kirkland royalty has been integrated into Agnico Eagle's Macassa Mine complex in Kirkland Lake, Ontario.  The AK Property is an underground lode style deposit hosted by one of many northeast-trending structures that lie between the Kirkland Lake Main Break and the Larder-Cadillac Deformation Zone. Agnico Eagle has stated they plan to assess opportunites to incorporate the Amalgamated Kirkland zone into the mine plan where they expect initial production of 20-40 Koz per year beginning in 2024.

Interest: 0.45% NSR Royalty

Location: Kirkland Lake Ontario

Project Status: Development

Counterparty: Agnico Eagle Mines (NYSE: AEM)

Agnico Eagle - Amalgamated Kirkland

Source: Agnico Eagle May 19, 2022 Corporate Update Presentation 

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