San Martin is an underground silver mine and 1,300 tpd cyanidation processing facility in Jalisco State, Mexico with a 38,512-ha property package. The 1,300 tpd mill and processing plant consists of crushing, grinding and conventional cyanidation by agitation in tanks and a Merrill-Crowe doré production system. At full capacity of 1,300 tpd, San Martin's annual silver production has reached over 2 million ounces of silver in the form of doré bars. In 2018, First Majestic produced 2.2 Moz AgEq from the mine and in 2017, produced 2.3 Moz AgEq. First Majestic operated the mine from 2006 until 2019 when it was place on temporary suspension. First Majestic continues to work with government authorities to secure the mine site for a potential reopening. Drilling has been focused on deeper ore shoots of the Rosario vein for continuation of mineralization. Since the acquisition of the mine, First Majestic completed 195,628 meters in 1,125 diamond drill-holes on the property.
Interest: 2% NSR Royalty
Location: Jalisco, Mexico
Project Status: Development
Counterparty: First Majestic Silver